Affiliate marketing programs that i personally use and recommend
PictureEarn income online through affiliate marketing programs
What are the best affiliate marketing programs available on the internet. There are hundreds to choose from to be honest. I have compiled a list of the ones I use which would greatly help you if you are planning to start a online business.

So how do you start affiliate marketing if you are a beginner?

First thing is you got to have a blog. Blogs are extremely important. You know why?

  • Search engines love content and blog is a great way to add content regularly.  You can talk about what you are good at, topics that interest you and use it just as a journal.
  • Don't worry about what you write because there are hundreds and thousands and people who would connect with your article and in time you would only get better.:)
  • I had recently written a article on how to start a blog and earn income online. Here I am going to tell you the affiliate marketing programs you can make use of in your website or blog

Lets begin. Shall we? Lets look at the affiliate marketing program I personally use

Amazon :

One of the most frequently used affiliate marketing programs by affiliate marketers. They sell millions of products all you got to do is, Choose a product and write about it in your blog. So choose what you are good at and write about it.

Most of these programs have their own sales material and video which you can use. All you got to do is write a great content. Then direct your readers to the sales page of the product.

Commission rates depend on what product you wish to sell. So always choose a high quality product with high commissions

CJ or commission Junction :

Here you would find Large and small businesses who are open to selling products through affiliates. It offers a lot of affiliate programs.

You would need to apply for each of these. That is select your strength or topic you are good at. Find a company who sells a product related to that topic and apply for it.

You can earn commissions by making a sale, getting a lead or clicks. Before you apply make sure you have some contents in your blog. If there is no content there are chances they may not approve your blog to market.

They do have pretty good commission structure as well. Again depends on what you promote.

Shareasale :

They provide access to more than 3000 merchants online with affiliate marketing programs related to  food, clothing, home décor, electronics, mobiles and much more.

The commissions are also pretty good and some of them are pretty high. Again depends on the products you would bee promoting.  They also offer a referral bonus if you happened to refer someone else to shareasale.

Empower Network :

It’s a multi level affiliate marketing program which gives you commissions up-to 100%. If you are completely new then you need to check this out.

They have some amazing training programs to become successful in online marketing. You can check my review on Empower network.

Flipkart :

One of India's biggest online store. You can sell products in Flipkart through your website and earn commissions. It’s a huge store with products ranging from books to electronics. You name it and they have most of it.

Ebay partner network :

Another online mega store with millions of products. Partner up with Ebay and sell their products through your website

Icubeswire :

They also have large to small business companies who are open to affiliate businesses. You can choose from different affiliate programs offered. Commissions are also good depending on the product and company you promote.

Well you can start from one of the above or sign up to all. Things to remember when you do

  • Make sure you have a blog or a website which content
  • Do not market in spammy way
  • Be consistent at your work and put in atleast 2 hours a day for a long period of time
  • As your content gets filled up you will start seeing results.
  • More content, more promotion will help you earn a lot of income.

There are more affiliate marketing programs to choose from. The list above are the ones I use and found it very helpful. You would like them too.

However if you know of any other amazing affiliate marketing programs please leave a comment. :)